
How to define

To define Meta Label would be like to trying to define true, unconditional Love. It cannot be explained, it has to be experienced. Meta is the same. One experiences it in the present moment, like a child who plays, discovers, rejoices, is moved.

It is elusive through words and yet it exists, it is stronger than anything, than us, our reasoning, our mind, our ego...

One discovers Meta through testimonials, through our sensory then extra-sensory perceptions. It is a bridge between the so-called visible and invisible worlds. Meta brings us together in this Unity that the material world does not know.

The more our state of consciousness evolves, the more we experience Meta in order to share it with those around us.

To live in Meta is to live in Peace,Joy, Harmony, the Freedom of Being Self.

The small I forgets itself and gives way to the other, to the one who is, who gives, who shares, who loves.

"Meta is neither a method nor a manual, it is the result of an inner work, of this search for emptiness to give the best of oneself."

Why choose to live in Meta ?

To access the inner Truth in order to guide everyone in finding their integrity, stability, strength, in the purity that only our heart knows.

"Vivre en Meta, c'est lever le voile de l'illusion :
Ensemble, devenons le monde que nous voulons offrir à nos enfants."